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About me

I'm Biancaa.R and I'm a

I am very much interested in computer science and technology.I am developing my skills on python to build and develop programs that are benefitial.

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My Projects

Library Management system

This project was developed using python with Pyqt5 library for GUI and mysql for storing backend data.It was developed in the intention of helping the school librarian.

Tic Tac Toe GUI

This project was developed using python with pyqt5 library for GUI and csv file handling for storing the scores, user information.

Cloak of invisibility

This project was developed using python opencv.Using computer vision the green background of a video is replaced by an image.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

I have completed my schooling from Vidya mandir@ Estancia. I have taken part in few interships apart from programing and tech , I am also passonate on public speaking,MUN ing and sketching. I am newly focusing on newer topics and concepts in computer science that was previously unknown to me

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HTML 40%
C++ 60%
C 60%
MySQL 90%

My Certificates

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south India
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